My Gimpy Life – Episode 2: Two Shades of Teal

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Teal meets a little person also named Teale (with an “e”) at an audition. Season 1 is sponsored by DRACOGEN: Behind the Scenes Interviews with Cast and Crew Itunes http Listen Featuring music by NeonGenesis – Polarity Therapy Special Thanks to Comediva!
I just read the credits. Is her name actually Teale? Awkwardness explained.
So is Mini-Teal a lebesian?
Teal got Codec’s persona and Venom’s appearance so she’s cute and sweet!
So Tink had a guest stop here as well as Codec.
#go bears! (said because i keep pitching this show to wheel’d kids at Berkeley)
Accurate, sexy and damn funny (not necessarily in that order)
Great episode! Love it 🙂
Yes, she is actually in a wheel chair. And this show actually is about real events in her “gimpy life”. Pretty cool eh?
So? Is she actually in a wheelchair? Or is this an idea of overcoming something some people would consider a “challenge” brought to the tube?
Lol, I really loved her character in the guild, so I am not surprised this is so damn entertaining.
Why is it I find is so believable Ms Okuda would kill my dog if I crossed her?
“sometimes a bitch has to get cut…” lol
oh shoot. i’m the guy in that group. i am that weird guy with 3 girls. T_T
As if Teale is actually called Teale, and you two look alike C: awesome show!
Amy is awesome <3
favorite episode so far. love the Teal[e]s!!
woah….both your names are actually Teal(e)!! That’s crazy :)
Teal! I totally loved you in The Guild – and it’s great to see you in a new show! Keep the episodes coming!! 😀
Wow, I died at the “Isn’t Zack Effron already a mini Zack Effron?” part!! So great, Teal!!
Great series. I am blind and though its a different set of annoyances I can relate on a lot of levels, especially to the “inspirational” stuff. People act like its amazing that I don’t poop in corners.
OK, that made me smile! You’ve assembled an interesting quartet of friends in this story.
I love Teal and Teale! Thanks for going against popular culture and it’s constant competition…sometimes, someone we see as a rival can make the best friend.
Loved the episode, but why does the one character seem to be using an empty phone case the whole time?
Thank you Teal and thank you Felica day. I just rewatched “The Guild” season 3 and I loved how much I hated you Teal. Stay gay.